Franchise Startups Planned for Next Twelve Months Rise to Year High
By: Michael Alston for Franchise Insights
January 3, 2024 – In the latest startup sentiment data, 84.5% of aspiring franchisees plan their startups in the next twelve months, the highest percentage seen since December of 2023.
Almost 59% of survey respondents either agree or strongly agree that “now is a good time to start a business,” off the blistering 67.2% seen in November. Now 78.4% of respondents see conditions for business startups “the same or better in three months.” In December 2023, just over half (50.9%) of entrepreneurs planned their startups within the next three months, and 73.3% within the next six months. And 63.9% of entrepreneurs surveyed say they are “more or much more likely to launch their startups than three months ago.” compiles monthly the Small Business Startup Sentiment Index™ (SSI) of individuals who have recently inquired about businesses for sale. The most recent Startup Sentiment Index™ survey was conducted December 21-31, 2023.
Over 84% of aspiring entrepreneurs plan their startups within the next 12 months.
Additional highlights:
- Future business conditions: Reversing a multi-year downtrend in sentiment about future business conditions, 78.4% of respondents see conditions no worse – staying the same or getting better in three months– with 47.4% seeing conditions “about the same.”
- Access to funding: The percentage of entrepreneurs concerned about finding adequate funding was 67%, and those who see funding “harder or much harder” to obtain in the next three months were 32% of respondents.
- Demographics: 40.3% of respondents were currently employed full-time, and 14.9% were current business owners seeking an additional or replacement business. The Gen-X cohort dominated with 47% of respondents. Millennials followed at 28%, while Baby Boomers were 21% of respondents. This month, Gen-Z was 3% of respondents, in line with the 3.29% share of all respondents seen in 2022.
Download a copy of the latest Small Business Startup Sentiment report here. See excerpts from prior SSI™ surveys and subscribe to receive the Small Business Startup Sentiment Index™ monthly report when it is released.
The Small Business Startup Sentiment Index™ is based on a monthly survey of individuals who have recently inquired about businesses or franchises for sale on the FranchiseVentures lead generation platform.
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Published on Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024.